I used to share a blog with Melissa, but she's been MIA for a few months, so I made it all mine! Random thoughts on my every day life to bore you with.
Big Spoon
I went to the pool with an ex-boyfriend from college today. He introduced me to the concept of "big spoon." He didn't have this terminology when we were dating, and I found it completely hilarious, yet the correct phrasing. Big spoon is the person in the back of the spoon - the big spoon. You have to engulf the little spoon to be the big spoon. He told me that my arms weren't long enough to make me a good "big spoon." Either this was a way to get free cuddles, or just a demonstration of spooning terminology. I think I'll add the term to my vocabulary though.
I read this and the first thing that came to mind was "Spoon!".
I dunno. Blame the drugs. :)
Good start, and I'll be back.
My ex-boyfriend (not this one, the most recent one) used spooning to mean the opposite chitty - he called it "aggressive spooning." So if I wanted to get cuddled I knew he was going to try to do other things.
not really. I tried to show him that I was a good big spoon and then he demonstrated his version of big spoon. No prolonged spooning demonstrations :o)
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