I used to share a blog with Melissa, but she's been MIA for a few months, so I made it all mine! Random thoughts on my every day life to bore you with.
This is Halloween, halloween, halloween
A few people already know this, but I'm officially announcing that the grinch who s
tole Halloween just brought it back. I have found a location for the party!! After hitting people up and scouting locations for about a month we've hit the jackpot. It will be at the house of a friend of a friend, and she's pumped. And you guys know I can never do this alone...my friends make the best team ever in helping me get stuff together. This will be greatly appreciated since there's only about 4 weeks of planning left! So, needless to say - start thinking of costumes! If you see any cute decoration ideas let me know that too. I was starting to get really bummed because people kept asking me about it and I didn't really have anything to tell. It even almost made me grinch my birthday. Funny the way this Halloween freak is affected by the happenings in October. I've been mute on Halloween so far, but the floodgate is opening. Sing along...This is Halloween, halloween, halloween...
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