I used to share a blog with Melissa, but she's been MIA for a few months, so I made it all mine! Random thoughts on my every day life to bore you with.
You're gonna think this is ridiculous
So everyone knows I'm moving at the end of December right? Well, WRONG. I just called and cancelled my move. Of course I waste the app. fee for me and my guarantor (sorry for making you get all that stuff together so fast Barbara), and the $50 hold fee, but....for all the deposit money I'd lose if I moved, it doesn't make as much of a dent. I was just thinking that if I do indeed go to a doctoral program, I'd just have to move again in a year. And I have begun
talking to the man in charge at SHSU and I'm getting more and more excited about doing that. I have way too much furniture to move, and I love my neighbors. It actually makes me feel safer that my neighbors know me and my dog. Yeah, there are things that I don't like (like that whole roach in the pants episode), but there are things about the other place that I don't like. Like an ugly small kitchen, and no storage on the patio. And a patio that my dog probably couldn't hang out on because she could escape. And the neighborhood probably isn't as good for safety or running (no hills?!) It backs up to a high school and the leasing lady told me that I'd be able to hear the band practice in the mornings. Who thinks I can study with that? I wasn't feeling excited, and I had to force myself to pack unlike all the other times we moved. So, what I'm trying to say is that I have a lot of boxes and I actually did have a lot of stuff packed. Which, if anyone wants to come help me unpack and redecorate my apartment, I'd love the help. I'm apparently at a point in my life when it's hard to make the "right" decision and sometimes the wrong ones create a little bit of extra work.
Yay! I was sad that you'd be further away from me.
What? Sam Houston? Where is that? You're going to move away just as I come back to Austin?? Waaahh!
Ok, now that I'm done whining: I'm glad you've found a doctoral program you like! That's so exciting!
Yup, since you didn't move after your lease Barbara I figured it was only fair for me to do the same :o)
Sam Houston is in Huntsville I think. I'm also looking at UNT. It's only 3 years and then I'll be back. And you will have to call me Doctor Stephanie
well, like you said, it was an unexpected reason to redecorate your apartment! when you're done unpacking it will be like a whole new place :)
If you go to Sam, you can live with Zach's dad and step-mom. :D
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