Stuff from Stephers

I used to share a blog with Melissa, but she's been MIA for a few months, so I made it all mine! Random thoughts on my every day life to bore you with.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Jack Frost

I was ready for it to get cold as much as the next person – really, I was. And it was such a nice night with the beautiful full moon. Saffy really enjoyed her walks, with the fur blowing out of her face in the breeze. I could tell she was happy. But, I’ll let everyone know that it’s only cold because of a sacrifice I made. I packed all of my winter clothes on Monday. That’s the only reason that it actually got cold on Tuesday, unlike the fake-out from last Saturday when the front just magically stopped above us. If I go unpack the sweaters I know it’ll get warm again, so I’ll settle for looking like an idiot. It’s not like I work outside. Everyone owes me though!


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